If anybody ran a business like that they would be out of business quickly, and Barack Obama's leadership is driving this business, the United States of America, toward a fiscal cliff.
When the president of the United States says he's going to do something, he needs to do it. That makes not only our adversaries more emboldened. It makes our allies more nervous.
You don't have to be smart to act - look at the outgoing president of the United States.
I read a lot when I was in school in the United States, and even though writing in English is very difficult for me, I wrote in journals.
All throughout my work, even in the United States, I have worked with the greater Cambodian community.
The United States is historically a nation of immigrants.
I cannot see that any rational American. . . could conceivably try to fulfill the major national purposes of the United States through the United Nations. It would be comparable to the United States seeking to pass its legislation through the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
If Harriet Miers were not a crony of the president of the United States, her nomination to the Supreme Court would be a joke, as it would have occurred to no one else to nominate her.
Episcopalians are pretty thin on the ground in the central United States.
I spent four years in the United States Army between 1985 and 1989, and I certainly learned how to survive out in the woods.
The woman suffrage movement in the United States was a movement of the spirit of the Revolution which was striving to hold the nation to the ideals which won independence.
Nine out of ten adult Americans have a checking account. It's the most widely used financial services product in the United States.
Donald Trump you're never going to be president of the United States by insulting your way to the presidency.
As policy makers, our interest isn't necessarily the narrow interests of specific corporations but the national security interests of the United States.
I was lucky enough to have been born on this planet earth, in this admirable country of the United States of America.
There's no guarantee that the United States will be around 200 years from now.
After college, I wanted to learned about myself as an American, so I left the United States and went to Japan.
The Confederate Constitution was almost identical to that of the United States.
Fox News has learned some United States investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the United States, who may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11, 2001.
The United States is the only advanced economy with no paid parental leave for either mothers or fathers.
I arose and spoke substantially as follows: ... I love the government and the constitution of the United States, but I do not love the damned rascals who administer the government.
I am not interested in being vice president of the United States. I've let the candidate know. If the candidate asks me to be vice president, the answer is I got to say yes. But he's not going to ask me.
The only person who counts in the administration is the president of the United States.
Who is the guarantor, if there is one, of a more stable world? It's the United States.
If you look back at the first Gulf war, the Arabs sent forces, they sent money. So their interests in Iraq are clear, but they're nowhere to be seen now. Why? Because right now, it's dangerous to be seen as supporting the United States.