
Vices Quotes - Page 35

Never can true courage dwell with them, Who, playing tricks with conscience, dare not look At their own vices.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1856). “The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: With an Introductory Essay Upon His Philosophical and Theological Opinions”, p.121

Both sides are divided and Western countries collaborate with Muslim countries and vice versa.

Interview With Amina Chaudary, June 17, 2012.

Most vices may be committed very genteelly: a man may debauch his friend's wife genteelly: he may cheat at cards genteelly

Samuel Johnson (1798). “Dr. Johnson's Table Talk: Containing Aphorisms on Literature, Life, and Manners; with Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, Selected and Arranged from Dr. Boswell's Life of Johnson”, p.390

Your business as a writer is not to illustrate virtue but to show how a fellow may move toward it or away from it.

Robert Penn Warren, Floyd C. Watkins, John T. Hiers (1980). “Robert Penn Warren talking: interviews, 1950-1978”, Random House (NY)

Vices and frailties correct each other, like acids and alkalies. If each vicious man had but one vice, I do not know how the world could go on.

Richard Whately (1856). “Thoughts and Apophthegms: From the Writings of Archbishop Whateley”, p.241

There is a capacity of virtue in us, and there is a capacity of vice to make your blood creep.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1968). “Nature: With an Introd., a Note on the Text”

Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ronald A. Bosco, Joel Myerson (2015). “Ralph Waldo Emerson”, p.134, Harvard University Press