Voice Quotes - Page 150
Stephenie Meyer (2009). “New Moon”, p.254, Hachette UK
Stephenie Meyer (2008). “Eclipse”, Little Brown & Company
Stephenie Meyer (2009). “Twilight: Twilight”, p.65, Hachette UK
His voice carried authority the way Ben & Jerry's carries calories.
Stephen White (2009). “The Siege”, p.133, Penguin
Stephen Leacock, Gerald Lynch (2002). “Leacock on Life”, p.84, University of Toronto Press
Stephen King (2006). “The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla”, p.186, Hachette UK
Our memories have voices, too. Often sad ones that clamor like raised arms in the dark.
Stephen King (2008). “Duma Key: A Novel”, p.478, Simon and Schuster
It's dialogue that gives your cast their voices, and is crucial in defining their characters.
Stephen King (2002). “On Writing”, p.178, Simon and Schuster
Stephen R. Covey (2013). “The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness”, p.72, Simon and Schuster