The only way you can really evaluate spiritual advancement is to see how someone treats those who are close to them.
In the yoga of love, one has a teacher. It is the teacher whom one loves.
We're too insignificant and small to really be able to do anything, except cry, not unhappily, but an inner cry, a feeling of reaching to God.
On the path of love we don't feel we necessarily have control. In the yoga of love we feel it's only God who does everything. We can't breathe one breath without God.
One who practices the yoga of love is like child. When the child has a problem, it cries. When it cries, someone comes and helps the child.
There's no place to go. There's nothing to attain. There's nothing to be reached. Love itself is all that you want.
There is nothing and no one else but your dear friend, eternity, who has always loved you, who will always love you.
Everything is the will of God - we are only instruments of her will and we learn to just love and accept.
On the path of love we feel that if we love today, it's only because God is loving through us, because there is a special grace present with which we can love.
Trying to use the power of yoga to improve your life, this is a terrible mistake. Because all you are doing is binding yourself more. You're putting more of your attention into the transient world.
Yoga is a removal of the conscious awareness from the world as you know it - the world that you've constructed - through your focus within your mind, to something else.
In order to create heat, you have to have something to burn. So what we do in yoga is, we burn ourselves up to create light.
Yoga makes you free. It makes you happy. It gets you out of the traps that create human misery. It makes you vibrate faster.
Yoga means we accept responsibility for the tasks in our life, and we know that being a king, being an enlightened teacher, being someone who sweeps the streets, we know that nothing is a greater yoga than anything else.
Work sustains us as bodies and it consumes a great deal of energy. The conservation of energy is the component theme of Buddhist practice and yoga. That is why people live in monasteries.
Selfless giving is friendliness. An attitude towards life, a reverence for life. It is one of the highest of all ways.
If you are fortunate enough to meet such a being then you will really learn selfless giving. You'll see that every second, every moment of their awareness is directed towards others.
Selfless giving is love in action. Initially you will feel that you should help in a certain way, with a certain result. Do your best, but don't be concerned with results; do it for the infinite.
You can only be really happy when you become what you really are.
As your love grows, you will find that your attachment to this world will begin to fall away.
As long as you're running away from a part of yourself, you can't see immortality.
While we all have a great capacity to love, very few of us will love the proper way.
Ask youself: "Am I loving as deeply as I am capable of loving?"
In India and other places, there are people who fool themsleves. They walk around all day saying, "Who am I? Who am I?"
The power that enables us to transform our awareness is the release of kundalini. All yoga, either directly or indirectly, all Buddhism, relates to the release of the kundalini energy.