So in the path of love - rather than pulling our willpower together, using our discrimination, or working - we just cry inwardly.
The path of love has many opponents - fear, self-pity, anxiety, hate, lust, greed, avarice - all the usual freinds.
As you feel more and more love, begin to smile, let go, be free.
Fix your awareness gently on the center of your chest. Try to feel love.
Love teaches us how to penetrate the inner worlds, to clean the glass of existence and see reality in its perfect essence.
In the yoga of love we learn to love consciousness. Consciousness is existence. It is the very stuff of which life is composed.
We encompass all of existence, yet a particle of our awareness is focused in this world, in the moment.
The art of love is to embrace the world and that which lies beyond it.
What is there when the ego is gone? Eternity, love.
The ego is a false perception of self. It's an idea, a transitory identity that we've picked up.
In the Yoga of Love we see that matter and spirit are one. It's only the ego that separates.
We learn that those around us are an extension of ourselves, both animate and inanimate. All things have a life and form. We learn to love them all.
We begin by loving and accepting ourselves.
The yoga of love is the yoga of acceptance. Love teaches us that which is most important is self-acceptance.
Love does not seek to please itself, but offers itself and its life to others.
This kind of love doesn't work very well, it destorys the nature of love.
Most people suffer in love because of attachment. Attachment means we're interested in a net return on our investment.
In the most advanced state of love we don't love for any reason or purpose. We don't even direct our love necessarily to an object.
Love knits families together, friends, lovers, societies, nations and perhaps oneday a world.
Everything is a formation or an aggregate of love.
If we examine the essence of existence, we'll find that the essence is love. There really is nothing that isn't love.
Beyond matter is spirit and in spirit there is nothing but love.
Love is, in its essence, a free, formless strand of luminosity.
Love is the highest of all qualities we can experience.
The art of spirituality is learning to be happy in any condition and in any circumstance. This is the art of love.