
Your Future Quotes

If your past is limited, your future is boundless.

Franklin Pierce (1968). “Franklin Pierce, 1804-1869: chronology, documents, bibliographical aids”

You can't let your past hold your future hostage.

"Rewind the Rhyme: LL Cool J". Interview with Amanda Diva, November 6, 2006.

For your own good, for the good of your family and your future, grow a backbone. When something is wrong, stand up and say it is wrong, and don't back down.

Dave Ramsey (2010). “The Money Answer Book: Quick Answers to Everyday Financial Questions”, p.64, Thomas Nelson Inc

May your future be limited only by your dreams!

"New Hampshire Town Reeling From Shock, Grief" by Bob Drogin in "The Los Angeles Times", Januray 30, 1986.