Ambrose Bierce Quotes - Page 30

Nature's fortuitous manifestation of her purposeless objectionableness.
Age is provident because the less future we have the more we fear it.
The most intolerant advocate is he who is trying to convince himself.
An archbishop is an ecclesiastical dignitary one point holier than a bishop.
Epitaph: An inscription on a tomb showing that virtues acquired by death have a retroactive effect.
Loquacity, n. A disorder which renders the sufferer unable to curb his tongue when you wish to talk.
A popular writer writes about what people think. A wise writer offers them something to think about.
Phoenix, n. The classical prototype of the modern 'small hot bird.'
MONKEY, n. An arboreal animal which makes itself at home in genealogical trees.
Duty - that which sternly impels us in the direction of profit, along the line of desire.