Meaning isn't something we discover, it is what we bring to life, either by choice or by chance.
To spank or not to spank isn't the question the question is whether whether we are teaching a quality we want our kids to have as adults?
To find the true cause of how you think and feel, find the 'sponsoring thought' that created the interpretation that created your experience of life.
Fear of feeling bad rarely makes one feel good.
When dealing with problems, seek not to "change" some aspect of your life but instead, choose who you want to become as a path to what you want. Transformation and healing then take place as a process of becoming versus avoiding.
Let's not let our fear of dementia deepen our fear of dementia.
Trust is simply a set of expectations about the present and the future. The key is to ensure that these are chosen and evaluated based upon awareness versus fear.
Nothing is meaningless it's how we assign meaning to the past that determines how we experience the present, and future.
One key to creating a meaningful life, is choosing what we want to feel, and for how long.
There's no such thing as a 'stressful' situation.
The key to being with family is to engage with those we love in a way we would teach to those we love.
Many people would rather be certain of their worries and fears, than risk the uncertainty of hope and optimism.
Want to change your experience of life? Change the problem to the practice field.
Never define yourself in terms of how you are negatively affected by others.
Living exclusively in the land of the head or the heart will always be a limiting, limited experience. The most successful among us have dual citizenship.
The key to self-confidence is knowing that you would choose you... and why. In this way the chosen becomes the chooser, and love versus fear becomes the energy of choice.
The difference between self-confidence and conceit is as simple as love and fear. Jesus was self-confident ... Hitler was afraid.
When we take no responsibility for any aspect of our past, we limit our ability to respond in the present and the future.
Realistic optimism allows us to experience the best until we have to deal with the worst ... which often, never comes.
Mistakes are just 'mis-takes,' or an action that we took that missed.
But if your work is your art, a personal reflection of who you are, the only person who can do that better than you, is a future you.
You can't use anxiety to deal with your anxiety it only makes you more anxious.
The most successful form of correction is when the "other" feels informed versus chastised.
All of life presents itself as a cycle of cause and effect. When this cycle is negative, there are three ways to change. You can change the cause, change the effect, or choose the most powerful option become the cause!
One barrier to being a great parent is the mistaken belief that we are raising kids.