
B.K.S. Iyengar Quotes - Page 5

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.

"Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom". Book by B.K.S. Iyengar (p. 48), September 19, 2006.

Everybody should live quietly whether his experiences are happy or sad, whether they are successes or failures. That is contentment.

B. K. S. Iyengar (2016). “Sparks of Divinity: The Teachings of B. K. S. Iyengar”, p.45, Shambhala Publications

The yogi cannot be afraid to die, because he has brought life to every cell of his body. We are afraid to die, because we are afraid we have not lived. The yogi has lived.

B.K.S. Iyengar (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.246, Rodale

If you can adapt to and balance in a world that is always moving and unstable, you learn how to become tolerant to the permanence of change and difference.

B.K.S. Iyengar (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.48, Rodale

When you inhale, you are taking the strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world.

"Healthiest You Ever: 365 Ways to Lose Weight, Build Strength, Boost Your BMI, Lower Your Blood Pressure, Increase Your Stamina, Improve Your Cholesterol Levels, and Energize from Head to Toe!" by Meera Lester, p. 291, December 18, 2011.

Firmness in the body leads to firmness in the nervous system.

B. K. S. Iyengar (2016). “Sparks of Divinity: The Teachings of B. K. S. Iyengar”, p.101, Shambhala Publications

Willpower is nothing but willingness to do.

B.K.S. Iyengar (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.56, Rodale

We are a little piece of continual change, looking at an infinite quantity of continual change.

B.K.S. Iyengar (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.7, Rodale

We need sound bodies so we can develop sound minds.

B.K.S. Iyengar (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.24, Rodale

As we explore the soul, it is important to remember that this exploration will take place within nature (the body), for that is where and what we are.

B.K.S. Iyengar (2005). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.6, Rodale

When stability becomes a habit, maturity and clarity follow.

B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans, Douglas Abrams (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.43, Rodale

In whatever position one is in, or in whatever condition in life one is placed, one must find balance. Balance is the state of the present - the here and now. If you balance in the present, you are living in Eternity.

B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans, Douglas Abrams (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.43, Rodale

Your body is the child of the soul. you must nourish and train that child.

B. K. S. Iyengar (2016). “Sparks of Divinity: The Teachings of B. K. S. Iyengar”, p.126, Shambhala Publications