
David Brooks Quotes about Giving

People who give money in large amount in politics are basically not altruistic.

People who give money in large amount in politics are basically not altruistic.

"Shields and Brooks on the pope’s critique of capitalism, Thanksgiving gratitude". "PBS NewsHour" with Hari Sreenivasan, November 29, 2013.

People who give money in large amount in politics are basically not altruistic. They have some issue. They have some interest. It may be world peace. It may be preserving carried interest. But it's not altruistic.

"Shields and Brooks on the pope’s critique of capitalism, Thanksgiving gratitude". "PBS NewsHour" with Judy Woodruff, November 29, 2013.

With the case of [Mike] Pence, giving a little aurora of likability to a candidate, a lead candidate who's a little lacking in that department.

"Shields and Brooks on the Hillary Clinton veepstakes, the latest Trump-Cruz dustup". "PBS NewsHour" with Judy Woodruff, July 22, 2016.