The Thing from Another World' was the first movie that really scared me.
It would be very hard to write a serious drama and say some of these things. You can be much more abstract and allusive with horror, and it's very forgiving to the author. You don't necessarily have to take an absolutely positive position. You can just write whatever.
Anybody who tunes into Rush Limabaugh already knows what he's going to say and is already inclined to agree. So it winds up creating tribes.
When I was old enough to go to movies alone, I got to see 'Frankenstein' and 'Dracula' on the big screen. I just fell in love with them.
I keep a little notebook of things that I can do to the zombies that might be silly and fun.
As a filmmaker you get typecast just as much as an actor does, so I'm trapped in a genre that I love, but I'm trapped in it!
Zombies are the blue-collar monsters
I don't want a zombie society. I don't want to go that far.
Zombies are always moving fast in video games. It makes sense if you think about it. Those games are all about hand-eye coordination and how quickly can you get them before they get you.
I think you're only free if you're working on very low or huge money.
Collaborate, don't dictate. Every department head has something to offer. Listen and gratefully accept their offerings. They're moviemakers, too.
I really believe that you could do horror very inexpensively. I don't think it has anything to do with the effects, the effects are not the most important parts.
People called 28 Days and 28 Weeks zombie movies, and they're not! It's some sort of virus; they're not dead.
I go to conventions and universities and talk to young filmmakers and everybody's making a zombie movie! It's because it's easy to get the neighbors to come out, put some ketchup on them.
For a Catholic kid in parochial school, the only way to survive the beatings - by classmates, not the nuns - was to be the funny guy.
Everybody knows the rules, even though some break those rules.
I like guys who are understandable and good guys who are flawed.
I grew up on DC Comics, moral tales where the bad guys got their comeuppance. To me the gory panels or grotesque stuff just made me chuckle.
You can fall on your face easily if you go off in a certain direction. The Birds is a good example, some people are really phobic about birds flying over their heads, and some don't care. So, it's a personal thing.
Ever since 'Lassie' and 'Old Yeller', I won't watch animal movies. Animals in movies always die.
I've gotten letters, but mostly from Bible-belt types who say, you must be Satan! They come right out and call me Satan and hope that I'm damned to hell.
I can't really make fun of zombies. They're not liars. They're not cheats.
There are so many factors when you think of your own films. You think of the people you worked on it with, and somehow forget the movie. You can't forgive the movie for a long time. It takes a few years to look at it with any objectivity and forgive its flaws.
The most realistic blood I've seen is when Marlon Brando gets beat up in On The Waterfront.
As great as Ed is, the wisdom out here is that he can't carry a movie. They'll pay him $3 million to be the second banana in Julia Roberts things. But they won't put up $3 million for an Ed Harris movie.