Did Superman really want to save the world, or did he just feel like he had to? Would he much rather be a farmer? Maybe. Would he much rather be hanging out with his dad and his mom and his dog? Probably.
The Black Parade only has two songs left. Then you'll have to deal with the likes of My Chemical Romance. Personally...I think their language is atrocious and they don't know how to dress.
My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die.
If you chase the art, you really can't fail because you'll always be able to look at yourself in the mirror. And that's not about making angry decisions, either, it's about always doing the right thing for you, your fans and your art.
We're just as screwed up as you.
I'm not psycho... I just like psychotic things.
There's such a lack of sex in music.
I've always seen My Chemical Romance as the band that would have represented who me and my friends were in high school, and the band that we didn't have to represent us - the kids that wore black - back then.
Since I started as a comic person then became a musician to me it was interesting because I have this really great, interesting fanbase that's really smart and energetic and uh how could I steer them towards a medium that shaped who I was? You know, steer them toward comics. That was really the goal, to bring a lot of readers cuz they were reading a lot of comics but most of them hadn't been reading American comics, they'd be reading manga sitting on the floor of a Barnes and Noble.
Um, lots of people grab my ass. I'm actually starting to get this thing now where people grab my package. That actually happened once in Boston, it usually doesn't happen. We went over to England and it happened at almost every show. I don't really enjoy any kind of invasion of privacy like that I guess. Grabbing my package is obviously a total invasion of privacy I'm not into that at all.
The only thing I learnt in high school is that people are very violent and territorial.
Drawing and Drinking Coffe
When you are kissing a guy with a beard, it's different.
As long as somebody is guaranteed a certain number of sales you know you're gonna keep seeing these vanity projects. I mean they have a place, they serve a function they can bring people into comics.
We’ve always been fighters. There will always be something to fight against. So we’ll always fight, underdogs or not. If you put a wall in front of us, we don’t look to go round it. We just bust straight through.
There are really so many people trying to get control over you on a daily basis and steal your soul in some way, take a part of you...
So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts?
I had no direction. I thought, 'I need to make a difference in my life,' and music was my answer.
The plan was that I was going to do comics, and then the music just cam up in my life and was a detour.
It's like the drag fairy coming and saying 'What would you like to do?' Um, yeah karate.
I just wanna kind of give the world something special.
I believe in ghosts because I had a paranormal expierience once that was very personal. Though, every fiber in my being tries to convince me they don't exist.
I wasn't bullied in high school, I was just ignored.
I'm not drunk, just a little stoned.