There is no such thing as high returns without risk.
Helping people getting a great start in life, a great foundation, is an investment.
I enjoy the independence of single-handling a boat. I like controlling the elements, making the wind and the waves and the water work for me.
I want to grow. I don't want to get stuck doing the same thing over and over and think I'm the best at it.
Good decisions can have bad short-term outcomes but be great for the business long-term.
We’ve got customers. We’ve got suppliers. We’ve got employees. We’ve got unions. We’ve got communities. We’ve got all of these things that go into making up whether a business succeeds or fails.
It would hurt. But we'll dust ourselves off and we'll come back.
Investments are like trains, and if you miss one, don’t worry because another one will come down the line.
I love the U.S. I love doing business there.