Herbert Hoover Quotes - Page 2

United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover), Herbert Hoover (1974). “Herbert Hoover: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President”
Herbert Hoover (1951). “Addresses Upon the American Road, 1948-1950”
Herbert Hoover (1952). “Memoirs: The great depression, 1929-1941”
1951 Quoted in Colin Jarman The Guinness Dictionary of Sports Quotations (1990).
We are in danger of developing a cult of the Common Man, which means a cult of mediocrity.
Herbert Hoover (1938). “Addresses upon the American road”, C. Scribner's sons
Prosperity cannot be restored by raids upon the public Treasury.
United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover), Herbert Hoover (1974). “Herbert Hoover: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President”
United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover), Herbert Hoover, United States. Office of the Federal Register (1974). “Herbert Hoover: Containing the public messages, speeches, and statements of the President”
Herbert Hoover (1946). “Addresses Upon the Road: World War II, 1941-1945”
Herbert Hoover (1955). “Addresses Upon the American Road, 1950-1955”
Herbert Hoover (1951). “The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: Years of adventure, 1874-1920”
The only trouble with capitalism is capitalists; they're too damn greedy.
Herbert Hoover, Ruth Dennis (1995). “The Wit and Wisdom of Herbert Hoover: A Compilation of Many of His Quotations”, Vantage Pr
Absolute freedom of the press to discuss public questions is a foundation stone of American liberty.
United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover), Herbert Hoover (1974). “Herbert Hoover: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President”
Hoover, Herbert (1974). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Herbert Hoover, 1929”, p.554, Best Books on
Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of EMERGENCY.
Herbert Hoover (1952). “Memoirs: The great depression, 1929-1941”
Competition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer, but is the incentive to progress.
United States. President (1929-1933 : Hoover), Herbert Hoover (1974). “Herbert Hoover: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President”
1964 In Christian Science Monitor, 21 May.