Dispel the cold, bounteously replenishing the hearth with logs.
Even in animals there exists the spirit of their sires.
Gloriously false. [Like Rahab.]
God has joined the innocent with the guilty.
Hatched in the same nest.
Brighter than Parian marble.
By heaven you have destroyed me, my friends!
Nor has he lived in vain, who from his cradle to his grave has passed his life in seclusion.
Ye who write, choose a subject suited to your abilities. [Lat., Sumite materiam vestris, qui scribitis, aequam Viribus.]
The short span of life forbids us to spin out hope to any length. Soon will night be upon you, and the fabled Shades, and the shadowy Plutonian home.
Let your mind, happily contented with the present, care not what the morrow will bring with it.
Let it (what you have written) be kept back until the ninth year. [Lat., Nonumque prematur in annum.]
Let him who has once perceived how much that, which has been discarded, excels that which he has longed for, return at once, and seek again that which he despised.
Joking apart, now let us be serious.
Often turn the stile [correct with care], if you expect to write anything worthy of being read twice. [Lat., Saepe stilum vertas, iterum quae digna legi sint Scripturus.]
It is said that the propriety even of old Cato often yielded to the exciting influence of the grape.
Aiming at brevity, I become obscure.
He who preserves a man's life against his will does the same thing as if he slew him.
He will be beloved when he is no more.
Heir follows heir, as wave succeeds to wave.
However rich or elevated, a name less something is always wanting to our imperfect fortune.
I have raised for myself a monument more durable than brass.
In a long work sleep may be naturally expected.
The lazy ox wishes for horse-trappings, and the steed wishes to plough. [Lat., Optat ephippia bos piger, optat arare caballus.]
Seest thou how pale the sated guest rises from supper, where the appetite is puzzled with varieties? The body, too, burdened with I yesterday's excess, weighs down the soul, and fixes to the earth this particle of the divine essence.