
Ingrid Newkirk Quotes

Six million Jews died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughter houses.

"Has PETA Gone Too Far With Billboard Featuring Mayor Giuliani?". "Crossfire" with Bill Press and Mary Matalin, August 29, 2000.

We do not advocate 'right to life' for animals.

"PETA's Sinister Interpretation of Animal 'Rights'" by Douglas Anthony Cooper, July 3, 2012.

A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They're all animals.

Washingtonian magazine, August 01, 1986.

If my father had a heart attack it would give me no solace at all to know his treatment was first tried on a dog.

"Animal-Research Labs Increasingly Besieged" by Michael Specter, May 30, 1989.

There's nothing humane about the flesh of animals who have had one or two or even three improvements made in their singularly rotten lives on today's factory farms.

"Let’s Face It: There Is No Such Thing as Humane Meat" by Ingrid Newkirk, February 26, 2013.