Tell your story because your story will heal you and it will heal someone else.
Dear God, Please untie the nots. All of the can nots, should nots, may nots and have nots. Please erase from my mind the thoughts that I am not good enough.
I hope that my story, I hope that my life is... an encouragement for people, especially in Brooklyn. I feel humbled and blessed.
The only relationship we can have in this life is the relationship we have with ourselves. We cannot love anybody more than we love ourselves. We cannot treat anyone any better than we treat ourselves. When you forget you, give up on you, or devalue yourself, anyone coming into your life has a universal responsibility to follow your lead.
You`re making it about them. This has got about you, because you don`t have peace
Forgiveness is not about the other person or what they did. Forgiveness is for YOU and about YOU.
Sometimes on the journey, you step in dog poop. But you don't let the whole journey be about the fact that your shoe got poop on it.
What is it that would make a creature as fierce, majestic and powerful as a lion is, subject itself to the intimidation of a man a whip and a chair? The lion has been taught to forget what it is.
You know, if you're a human and living on the planet, it doesn't matter what you do; you are not immune to the challenges, the trials, the difficulty. And that fact that I happen to be a coach and a minister and a spiritual teacher doesn't mean anything. I'm still human.
Your interests will guide you. Give no concern to what they say you cannot do. Be willing to accept the challenge. Take time to retreat to that quiet place within the pit of your soul and unleash your right to decide what is best for you.
Some children do what they’re told to do; some children do what they’re told not to do; all children do what they’re parents have done.
You are never angry for the reason you think you are. There's an older hurt under that.
I've always told the truth. I think that's been part of the foundation of my career. I don't put myself above people. I don't put myself different than people. And I, for one, know that none of us is immune.
I'm focusing on healing lives and teaching people that they can heal - giving them tools to heal.
Every choice you make supersedes and overrides every other choice you make.
The key to success is not what you do, it is how you feel about what you are doing.
Once we become aware of our issues and challenges, we become accountable to do something about it.
The life you want is on the other side of the labor pains it takes to birth it.
I was sitting on the bus, and the sign said if you're ready to better your life, come to Medgar Evers College, and I got off the bus and went to Medgar Evers College.
If you see crazy coming, cross the street!
Whether at work, at home or in public, we have been trained to believe that who we are at the core of our being is often unacceptable. As a result, we work diligently to live up to - and sometimes down to - what others have made us out to be, whether or not it is an accurate reflection of who we are.
After being on 'Oprah' for a couple of months, I got my first royalty check for $1,478,392.17. I will never forget it. At the height of my career, I made $3.3 million. Unbelievable. From welfare in the projects to $3.3 million.
You never put her in your heart.
There is a lot of healing going on. Really! More people are vegetarians, more are in the green movement, more of us are tearing down the old paradigms and embracing same-sex marriage, single motherhood, men raising babies.
I think most people think that a spiritual path or growing spiritually means that all of a sudden you'll be able to forecast the six lotto numbers and all your bills will be paid.