Suffering perfects the soul.
Inequality promotes progress.
The power of faith to ease our suffering is God's love.
Suffering over something is proof positive of its importance.
There is a reason and not a reason for everything.
We are destroying capitalism to pay for socialism.
That which you worry about most in life is seldom bad, and that likely applies to dying.
Going without a thing enhances the desire to get it.
Love of country is nowhere the same as love of government.
Memory doesn't erase. The recall ability fails.
Faith puts the power of the universe at your disposal.
Beware the person who is on a hot streak.
To write about business one should be in business, just as in writing about Tasmania one should visit Tasmania.
Left-wing social policies sicken our behavior and corrupt our culture. People bend principles and sacrifice integrity to get as much as they can from the government. Giveaway programs encourage every imaginable sort of cheating and dishonesty. Wheeling and dealing in food stamps is a way of life. Lying and fraud are commonplace. Whenever you're dependent on the money, the end justifies the means.
No role in life is more important than to be a good mother.
Management is simple, innovation is hard.
What is written is more influential than what is said.
Nobody heeds danger when they're making money.
From an economic standpoint, liberalism is a greater threat to America than communism ever was.
Those who live off of the donations of capitalism are often its greatest critics.
A business owner who is liberal probably inherited the business.
There are alternate explanations for everything.
Employers know the nature of people best.
No resource will flourish if managed by government.
It's a vain hope to believe that people will voluntarily turn their back on government subsidies.