Give persons who would cheat you every opportunity so you can soon be rid of them.
Throughout history government has seldom hesitated from robbing its citizens in a crisis.
Without memory there are no worries.
The more money spent by government to address social injustice the greater the cries of social injustice.
Young atheists abound, but old atheists are rare.
We should worry about our own souls first and trust in God's plan for others.
Whenever you have something nice someone will try to ruin it.
Socialism is the triumph of people's prejudices over their reason.
Once you're in heaven it makes no difference when you got there.
Nothing in life is guaranteed, including government guarantees.
Advice from others is always filtered through self interest.
You slight yourself when you're easily slighted.
Easier will always win out over harder.
There is nothing very religious about feeling superior to those who don't share your views.
Doubt makes us reaffirm what we believe.
Hardly anything works out as well as we hope.
To succeed in business, put the interest of the customer ahead of your own.
The thing that distinguishes permanent poverty is bad character.
Other than sex, two things bring people together; economic transactions and booze.
Virtually anything is more stimulating than conversations with strangers at social gatherings.
Getting is more fun than having.
Good times weaken belief.
When you are aggrieved you learn.
Time flies when you're running out of money.
Liberals believe and inexhaustible fund exists that can be tapped endlessly to pay for government social programs. Tax the rich and give it to a long line of moochers, pork barrel hustlers and ne'er-do-wells. These funds would otherwise have been employed as additional capital indispensable to economic progress.