Self interest determines loyalty or betrayal.
If you want the best results in an organization, you must rely solely on merit.
Winning a lottery may prove to be bad luck.
All the warnings the founding fathers gave us about government proved to be true. We should have listened.
Liars seldom believe anyone else.
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, then liberalism is a form of insanity.
You can't suffer over two things at once.
A single charitable foundation started by one capitalist does more good than a world full of socialists and leftists. Think Carnegie and his libraries, or Sloan and Kettering their hospital, or Gates in Africa.
Apparently there's nothing more dangerous than a religious criminal.
In the polling booth narrow self interest wins out over lofty principles.
When politics is elevated over business, economic disaster follows.
Whatever you subsidize you get more of.
The higher the wages the fewer the jobs; the lower the wages the more the jobs.
The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation.
You cannot rectify grievances from the past with today's charity.
Once a person comes to rely on the government for support, that person becomes a socialist through and through.
The left controls the media, the institutions of higher learning and the government. They preach against business, disparate merit, decry free enterprise and slander capitalism.
Never underestimate the totality of chaos and betrayal that comes through currency debasement.
When wildlife damages agriculture we eliminate the wildlife. Rather we should eliminate agriculture when it damages wildlife.
The eyes of the owner can see what no one else can see.
Taking money from job creating entrepreneurs and giving it to ever-failing government programs has to be the ultimate in economic illiteracy.
What is still more to our shame as civilized Christians, we debauch their morals already too prone to vice, and we introduce among them wants and perhaps disease which they never before knew and which serve only to disturb that happy tranquility which they and their forefathers enjoyed. If anyone denies the truth of this assertion, let him tell me what the natives of the whole extent of America have gained by the commerce they have had with Europeans.
At times life becomes too busy for religious thoughts.
We are coerced into faith by our suffering.
Nothing is more difficult than to make a profit.