Government is not using modern technology so much to modernize and improve services as it is to regulate, punish, collect taxes and keep an eye on us. They'd rather rule than serve.
The most practical information about life is sneered at by social planners.
Gifted women musicians and composers rarely received their due.
Money could never have originated as paper.
A salesman sees a commission.
We evolved without social welfare and we are equipped to solve our problems without it.
Our religious understanding and beliefs should evolve just like everything else.
To use ones religion as a rationalization for lack of financial success demeans that faith.
It's not up to God for us to use the gift of faith.
Private charity can apply 'tough love' but government charity can't.
I could not help concluding, that this man felt the most supreme pleasure, while he was driven on, so fast and so smoothly, by the sea.
All too often unemployment is used as an excuse for misbehaving when jobs are available within walking distance.
Capitalists have done more good for society through their charitable giving, philanthropy and generosity than all their critics combined.
It's impossible for a dishonest person to grow rich in business.
Governments without separation of powers commit the worst crimes.
Those who think profit is a dirty word should try to make one.
The welfare system is the breeding ground of crime, addiction and radical politics.
The soul is that part of you in harmony with God.
Worry not so much about other peoples morals but more about your own.
Rich grandparents get more attention than poor grandparents.
Money without wisdom diminishes the pleasure and enjoyment of wealth.
If you get a job or promotion because of your race or gender, it is no different than a subsidy. You get something you didn't earn, 'something for nothing.'
Prayer is futility when compared to belief.
God has the experience that comes from billions of years.
Government is full of people who think they know what's best for others and can rationalize compelling them to accept it.