My soul is not contained within the limits of my body; my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.
Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them.
All there will ever be is what's happening here. Decisions we make in this moment are based on either love or fear. So many of us choose our path out of fear, disguised as practicality.
The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.
I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.
Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.
You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.
Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart.
Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up & turn toward the light & that makes them beautiful.
You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
If you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.
As far as I can tell, it's just about letting the universe know what you want and then working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass.
Hope walks through the fire. Faith leaps over it.
Take a chance on faith - not religion, but faith. Not hope, but faith. I don’t believe in hope. Hope is a beggar. Hope walks through the fire. Faith leaps over it.
Compassion is the currency that leads to true wealth.
I don't remember yesterday. I pretty much live in the moment.
Maybe other people will try to limit me but I don't limit myself.
Ultimately, we’re not the avatars we create. We’re not the pictures on the film stock. We are the light that shines through it. All else is just smoke and mirrors. Distracting, but not truly compelling.
That peace that we're after, lies somewhere beyond personality, beyond the perception of others, beyond invention and disguise, even beyond effort itself. You can join the game, fight the wars, play with form all you want, but to find real peace, you have to let the armor fall.
So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality.
If you give up on your dreams, what's left?
The purpose of my life had always been to free people from concern, like my dad... How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That’s all you have to figure out... The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is. Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart.
I like challenges and I don't believe in failure. I don't believe in regrets. I believe suffering, failure - all those concepts - are things that are absolutely necessary to make us the best people that we can be, the best at whatever we want to do.
There are peaks, there are valleys. But they're all kind of carved and smoothed out, and it feels like a low level of despair you live in. Where you're not getting any answers, but you're living OK. And you can smile at the office. You know? But it's a low level of despair. I was on Prozac for a long time. It may have helped me out of a jam for a little bit, but people stay on it forever. I had to get off at a certain point because I realized that, you know, everything's just OK.
Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you.