Whether I'm shooting 10-under or 10-over I have to realize people have come a long way to see me play. I can't be back-handing putts.
Real freedom will come when U.S. soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors.
General personal principle: You are generally successful to the degree others want you to succeed. So get adopted! And, even more importantly, it's amazing how much you can get done when you let other people take credit for it.
All four days I didn't think. I just hit. Squeaky (Medlen, his caddy) said 'kill' and I killed it.
Well, it's a tie and jacket and I just don't travel with one, ... You're not going to put a coat and tie on me for dinner. I'm just being honest. Plus, the wives can't go and I'd rather see the wives be able to go instead of just all the guys. That makes it fun.
Ideas really do matter. But in any organization a good idea will only go so far unless its proponents are willing to fight the political games to get the idea adopted.
He's tough (Tiger Woods). I wish I was that tough when I was his age.
Everybody goes through divorces. There's millions of people that have drinking problems. There's people that their weight goes up and down, just like mine. It's just life. And I think people relate to that. I really do.
Nobody can know what's in my heart. Nobody can know what I'm thinking. I know what I've got to do.
In some organizations, it is easy to say mistakes are okay when in truth it is a zero-defect organization. You will be remembered more for your mistakes than your successes in those organizations.
Idea-Advocacy Matrix highlights a couple of things: that good ideas need to be "sold" if they are ever going to see the light of day and bad ideas sometimes do quite well because of the skills of the proponent to sell them.
[The greatest barriers to forming alliances] are not figuring out what would make others want to join with you. Assuming that what excites you excites others. Spend more time assuming people have good reasons for what they do or say and then figure out those good reasons.
You're playing competitive, and it's always better to play four competitive rounds than it is two because you sit there for a weekend and then you start all over again.