If you move as a being in every experience of your self, your being replaces your self.
You cannot dwell in your being while your self inhabits your heart.
When you are awakened to being a being, even though you're not yet being it, the purpose of you being in a body fundamentally shifts. In that shift, you know within that you are not first any longer about your humanness. Your humanness is included and it's no longer fundamental, altering your sense of reality.
It doesn’t matter how powerfully sexuality, one with your being, moves; it’s all profound goodness. You’re safe in it. What you know in it, of its depth and its quality, is what you’re saying yes to, what you’re resting in, what you’re warmed in.
You are able to come from openness and softness in an instant.
Live finding each other in what you haven’t yet found, seeing each other in a way that you haven’t yet seen, reaching within to find the more. In the more you find the more of each other.
Embodying your being is you earning your own being, earning your being in your body.
The known unseen within becomes structural in what is seen: a being functioning as a self, in person, in this world.
When you lay down your life for what you are after you've died, you're clean.
Oneness means that as awareness, your relationship with knowing is clean. Then for you to know is for you to be.
When you really love, that makes you feel unsure in your self, even though it is love that reaches your heart.
You’re not limited to your body as you’ve known your body. In the deepest levels of you being in your deepest body, there is nowhere that your body is not, and with that body you’re able to think.
The unfolding code of what you really are occurs every time you go to sleep.
It's true for you to soften within, to let your heart open, to let your heart soften.
Where there's self importance, there's only a very little bit of you and that little bit is distorted. It's in a holding pattern that is false to what it knows. That holding pattern forbids you, in that little bit of you, from being the rest of you.
In all of its vulnerability, profound sincerity does, in its relationship to knowledge, find its way.
If you set something free and it comes back to you, that's the beginning of it being yours.
Relate to the little instead of relating to the big. The little is indomitable.
The evolution in each of us isn't separate from each other.
The formless cannot be based on the form. The form needs to be based on the formless.
In a real relationship the two of you are together, meeting without your histories.
You cannot have a perfect mind. You can have a perfect heart.
Once you’re facing the direction of the deep within, awareness enters without a thought.
The best that you can do for your mind is to have no in-between state in your heart.
The place of connection or separation in relationship to your own being, the place in your self where this occurs, is in your heart.