John Milton Quotes - Page 9
So may'st thou live, till like ripe fruit thou drop Into thy mother's lap.
1665 Michael to Adam. Paradise Lost (published1667), bk.11, l.535-40.
1634 Comus, A Mask, l.1017-22.
My latest found, Heaven's last, best gift, my ever new delight!
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 5, l. 18
That practis'd falsehood under saintly shew, Deep malice to conceal, couch'd with revenge.
John Milton (1852). “The Poetical Works of John Milton”, p.116
John Milton, Edward Young, Thomas Gray, James Beattie, William Collins (1836). “The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins”, p.125
'Samson Agonistes' (1671) l. 1538
John Milton (1862). “The Poetical Works of John Milton”, p.602
'Comus' (1637) l. 263
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 9, l. 652
John Milton, James BUCHANAN (Grammarian.) (1773). “The First Six Books of Milton's Paradise Lost, Rendered Into Grammatical Construction ... With Notes ... To which are Prefixed Remarks on Ellipsis and Transposition ... By J. Buchanan”, p.145
1652 'To the Lord General Cromwell'.
Till old experience do attain To something like prophetic strain.
'Il Penseroso' (1645) l. 173
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 9, l. 896
Death Grinn'd horrible a ghastly smile, to hear His famine should be fill'd.
John Milton, Henry John Todd (1852). “The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Notes of Various Authors; and with Some Account of the Life and Writings of Milton, Derived Principally from Original Documents in Her Majesty's State-paper Office”, p.509
John Milton (2014). “Paradise Regained In Plain and Simple English: A Modern Translation and the Original Version”, p.80, BookCaps Study Guides
Paradise Lost bk. 1, l. 756 (1667)
John Milton (1851). “The Prose Works of John Milton: With a Biographical Introduction”, p.495
John Milton (1750). “Paradise lost: a poem in twelve books”, p.67
Farewell happy fields, Where joy forever dwells: Hail, horrors, hail.
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 1, l. 249
John Milton (1750). “Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton”, p.125
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 1, l. 61
John Milton (1773). “The First Six Books of Milton's Paradise Lost: Rendered Into Grammatical Construction ... with Notes Grammatical, Geographical, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory. To which are Prefixed Remarks on Ellipsis and Transposition ...”, p.101