Karl Marx Quotes - Page 7

Karl Marx, Regula Qureshi (2002). “Music and Marx: Ideas, Practice, Politics”, p.9, Psychology Press
Karl Marx (2007). “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - The Process of Capitalist Production”, p.581, Cosimo, Inc.
BookCaps, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (2012). “The Communist Manifesto in Plain and Simple English”, p.130, BookCaps Study Guides
Karl Marx (1976). “The German Ideology: Including Theses on Feuerbach and Introduction to The Critique of Political Economy”, Pyr Books
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (1975). “Collected works”
Karl Marx (1975). “Early writings”, Vintage
The bureaucracy takes itself to be the ultimate purpose of the state
Karl Marx (1975). “Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Marx and Engels: 1843-44”
Karl Marx (2007). “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - The Process of Capitalist Production”, p.827, Cosimo, Inc.
Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life.
Erich Fromm, Karl Marx (2013). “Marx's Concept of Man: Including 'Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts'”, p.162, Bloomsbury Publishing
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (1983). “Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: collected works”
Karl Marx (1973). “Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy”, Vintage Books USA
Karl Marx (1913). “Value, Price and Profit”
Karl Marx (2007). “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - The Process of Capitalist Production”, p.837, Cosimo, Inc.
Karl Marx (1932). “Capital: The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings”
Karl Marx (2013). “The Communist Manifesto”, p.116, Simon and Schuster
David McLellan, Karl Marx (1972). “The thought of Karl Marx: an introduction”
Karl Marx (2018). “The Communist Manifesto & Selected Writings: & Selected Writings”, p.11, Pan Macmillan
Karl Marx, Jon Elster (1986). “Karl Marx: A Reader”, p.53, Cambridge University Press
Karl Marx (1935). “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”, New York : International publishers
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (1970). “The German Ideology”, p.64, INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS CO
Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge.
BookCaps, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (2012). “The Communist Manifesto in Plain and Simple English”, p.94, BookCaps Study Guides
Karl Marx (2007). “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - The Process of Capitalist Production”, p.848, Cosimo, Inc.