I've always been able to let stuff go when I'm done with work.
I can't get hired in a studio movie. Everything is so uphill.
It's easier in some ways being on the life raft and the other guy's in the boat and you can row alongside and be supportive. In some ways, that's an easier role.
I feel that our planet is in peril and that creating a sustainable planet for my children and my children's children is the most important thing I can do in this lifetime.
I feel my job as an actor is to explore all sides of humanity.
It's that I'm 39. I feel hot and sexy, actually... I feel it inside myself. I don't feel dried up and tired and no longer interested in sex is what I'm trying to say.
When I connect to my soul, project it into another # character , and then bring it to the stage or to a film--that has always been for me the great joy of # acting . It's been as if my soul kind of leaps out of my body and is able to be free and dance around.
Shame is such an intense emotion. It just can drive you.
Our family adopted Paulie from a shelter as an 8-week-old puppy. We've had him for 11 years, and I think it was valuable for the kids to learn to be responsible for a pet. It's a wonderful thing for families - the unconditional love you get from a pet is something you carry with you for the rest of your life.
While it is challenging working with a kid, because they're so of the moment all the time. My acting style is to try to take something from my life that the character can relate to and that I can relate the character to.
Whether it be in a small movie or a big movie, I would always be attracted to this role.
I think in this movie, every time I see his work, I'm blown away by it because he, to me, he really embodied the character so powerfully and so real, so truthfully to me.
Also everyone's hearts are in the right place when you do a small movie. You're not doing it for the money; you're not doing it for the possibility of an Oscar nomination. You are doing it because you love the material.
Some of the best roles are for women in these independent, smaller movies.