Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - Page 55

Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity.
Mahatma Gandhi (2005). “All Men Are Brothers”, p.157, A&C Black
Mahatma Gandhi (1939). “Collected Works”
If untouchability is an integral part of Hinduism, the latter is a spent bullet.
Mahatma Gandhi (1968). “The Message of Mahatma Gandhi”
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.118, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi (1964). “Through Self-control”
Mahatma Gandhi, Dennis Dalton (1996). “Gandhi: Selected Political Writings”, p.33, Hackett Publishing
A semi-starved nation can have neither religion nor art nor organization.
Mahatma Gandhi (1962). “The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas : an Anthology”, Vintage
Mahatma Gandhi (1997). “The Mahatma and the Poet: Letters and Debates Between Gandhi and Tagore, 1915-1941”, National Book Trust India
Newspapers today have almost replaced the Bible, the Koran, the Gita and other religious scriptures.
Mahatma Gandhi, U. R. Rao (1963). “The Way to Communal Harmony”, Ahmedabad, [India] : Navajivan Publishing House
Mahatma Gandhi, Anand T. Hingorani, Ganga Anand Hingorani (1985). “The Encyclopaedia of Gandhian Thoughts”
Mahatma Gandhi, Anand T. Hingorani, Ganga Anand Hingorani (1985). “The Encyclopaedia of Gandhian Thoughts”
The greatness of a person lies in his heart, not in his head; that is intellect.
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Collected Works”
A life of sacrifice is the pinnacle of art, and is full of true joy.
Mahatma Gandhi, Judith M. Brown (2008). “The Essential Writings”, p.76, Oxford University Press
The khadi spirit means fellow-feeling with every human being on earth.
Mahatma Gandhi (1935). “Young India, 1927-1928”
My personal religion peremptorily forbids me to hate anybody.
Mahatma Gandhi (2005). “All Men Are Brothers”, p.166, A&C Black
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi (1948). “Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth”, p.9, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.159, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi (2012). “The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work, and Ideas”, p.62, Vintage