
Marc Jacobs Quotes

Change is a great and horrible thing, and people love it or hate it at the same time. Without change, however, you just don't move.

"Marc Jacobs to leave Louis Vuitton". Interview With Murray Healy, October 2, 2013.

I don't believe in fashion dictatorship, and I find that anybody who follows the dictates of fashion is a bit lost. I'm excited by style, not so much by fashion.

"Friendly homosexual fashion designer likes dogs but finds fashionable men terribly unsexy". Gert Jonkers, Butt Magazine, 2003.

What's worked for me is not quitting and being passionate about what I do and not giving up - and when I don't believe in myself, turning to others who believe in me.

"Marc Jacobs Interview: Fashion Designer Muses On His Teenage Years And Early Days In The Industry". Interview With Julia Rubin, January 11, 2013.