Mental confusion can be the product of divine discipline.
Training leaders is part of the work of discipling.
The worship practices of the people of God are to be marked by devotion to Him and compassion to the needy.
Although their parents died in the wilderness for their stubbornness, Israel could profit from the older generation's failure by remembering that God had used adversity to train them.
Even the wisest people learn little from their successes; God warns His people against allowing their victories (which He will grant) to lead them into pride and spiritual indifference. Instead, they should pay close attention to God's Word.
Moses simplifies the whole duty of Israel (and of humanity) by crystalizing the moral law into a single command to love God supremely.
Spiritual leadership ought to be given to those who have proven themselves under stress.
One of the greatest testimonials to God's love is His provision of His Word.
The thoughtful believer recalls God's faithfulness in the past when confronted by any new threat. Part of spiritual maturity is strong sense of one's own history.
God's Word calls His people to adore Him exclusively and completely and to love people as themselves.
Believers should be more concerned for God's opinion of them than for what human opponents might do to their bodies.
Fear of the right type can be beneficial to the people of God (see Prov. 1:7), but the fear of man's hostile intentions seldom fits that category.
God wants us to have love. We must be careful not to settle for sex.
The concept of freedom in Scripture differs from modern notions. Freedom is not a life lived free of restraints but a life that recognizes healthy limits, those that are concern to produce prosperity and order for the person who observes them.
Nothing should be considered outside the scope of God's authority.
Moses warned them [Israelites] that the leading spiritual danger they would face on entering the [promise] land would be forgetting the Lord. What adversity would not do, prosperity and satisfaction could. They were to be on their guard against spiritual lethargy.
If Israel is to please the Lord fully, they will live lives that are as distinctive among the nations as their Lord is different from pagan deities.
The person who believes he must earn the right to go through the door of eternal life will miss the mark.
Hearing alone is less effective in learning God's truth than hearing combined with reading.
God is able to transform the hostile intentions of wicked people into blessings for His people.
Sometimes believers are hampered in their public effectiveness by limitations that are no fault of their own.
Protection of human life can be costly; but so is the neglect of that protection.
Even guilty people deserve to be treated as those made in the image of God.
People are not free to violate law or convention to satisfy their wants and cravings.
Love is one factor - but not the only on - that God uses to promote the permanence of the marriage bond.