Fear of God and love for God coexist happily in the heart of people who are rightly related to Him.
Some believers tend to forget God's persistent faithfulness in the face of the spectacular and showy.
God chose Israel not because they were superior but because of what He could do through them for others.
Truth can be attested by the supernatural, but so can falsehood.
God realizes His people need protection from the pains and heartaches of the world.
Common sense religion emphasizes the human contributions that are supposed to move the deity. Valid worship always begins with recognition of what God has already done.
Attachments to older forms of worship may be comfortable, but they may contain elements of falsehood that make them unacceptable to God.
Christians should be among those who speak loudest in defense of civil liberties and the protection of the weak.
God leads His people whether they are obedient or rebellious, but His leading is far more pleasant when they obey.
The opposite of love is indifference to the genuine needs of others.
Some duties exist simply because we are part of a larger family or community.
Grace is always given freely by God, but grace received should always issue in a joyous delight in Him.
The most blessed gift that God can give any person is a knowledge of Himself.
God's commandments not only reflect His holiness, they promote our happiness.
All believers can increase their commitment to God by reflecting on His faithfulness and by considering the forms such commitment should assume in their experience.
God supplies the needs of His people according to their needs but does not ordinarily allow stockpiling.
Since the success of believers is tied to our knowledge of and obedience to God's Word, the memorizing of portions of the Bible is advisable.
God not only allowed for joyful worship but also commanded it.
Curiosity is an enormous challenge to godly living.
Demons lie behind much of the world's pagan worship systems.
It is sometimes easier to trust God in a life-threatening battle than in the small challenges of daily life.
Those who serve God in vocational ministry must learn to trust Him for their daily needs before they can encourage others to do so.
God wants believers to take an interest in the well-being of the society in which they live.
Intimacy with God is to be preferred above material wealth.
Giving to God should come from the firstfruits of a person's labor rather than from what is left after the bills are paid.