God is not naïve in the giving of His laws; He anticipates our disobedience even as He commands our obedience.
Compassion is easily forsaken in the midst of prosperity, even when this prosperity is God given.
God is glorified when His people find satisfaction in Him and in His provisions for them.
A good memory is one of the most precious assets of spiritual living.
God is always near His people, but their sinful behavior may cause His presence to be grievous.
Christians must allow no unclean thing to interfere with a harmonious relationship with Christ.
The health of marriage and the health of society are bound together; as one goes, so goes the other.
Before we can pray for God's blessing, we should ask ourselves if our disobedience could hinder his blessing.
Giving works best when the Lord's portion is removed first and believers learn to live within the remainder.
An enriched capacity for rejoicing is an expanded capacity for worship.
The generous giver, demonstrating the nature of God by his behavior, can never outgive God.
God expects believers to improve their attitude in giving as well as their giving itself.
Since all wealth ultimately comes from God, His people ought to acknowledge His primacy by offering Him the best of their wealth, time, and abilities.
Kindness that allows barriers to one's relationship with God to spring up is self-destructive.
God chooses people not for what He can do for them, but for the good they can do for others.
People sometimes punish to exact judgment for past actions. God disciplines in order to teach and always in the interest of those whom he disciplines.
God delights in providing His people with material gain and comfort, although prosperity can pose a threat to spiritual well-being.
In God's pattern of justice, He takes the risk of the guilty going free but not the innocent being punished.