There can be no real fight between a tiger and a chicken; between the love and the man; between the strong and the weak!
A Japanese proverb says fall seven times, stand up eight. We can also say this: Hate zero times, love infinitely!
A man who has built a world empire with only ideas and with love, not with swords and with archers, is the greatest amongst all the men!
A mortal life with love is endlessly superior to an immortal life without love.
All the great feelings like goodness, love or compassion eliminate the gravity and thus the wingless man rises like a bird.
Art is beyond the enmity! That's why you can always love the art of your enemy, even though you hate him!
Ave Dolce Vita, Rex Regum! Hail Sweet Life, King of Kings! We love you and we believe in you!
Doubt in love is the Devil in the paradise!
Everything needs a mirror to see what to change and what to love in itself, even a rock or a duck, everything!
For a man who is in love with the existence, nothing is ordinary in life!
For God's sake, take the religion out of your life or all kind of absurdities will take the reason out of your life! Keep God, get rid of religion! God, Love and Science; the Magnificent Trinity! All you need is these three things!
Forest who is in love with fire will wear black wedding gown in her wedding!
Gandiji says where there is love there is life. We can also say where there is hate there is hell!
Go to a forest and kiss the stream, kiss the tree, kiss the light leaking through the trees! Give your love to those that give life to you!
Hate not your enemies; love thy rivals, for this is the only way to convert them into your friends and your partners!
I would love to buy a piece of land in the Moon, just to feel very farsighted, extremely optimistic and absolutely crazy!
If love and death did not exist, tears would not exist as well!
If you love the life very much, you will see that everything is shining, everything is sparkling!
If your way is not the way of the science, then your way is not the way! Change it! If your way is not the way of the compassion and love, then your way is not the way! Change it!
In our present universe, many things are empty stories; amongst all these meaningless stories, love is less meaningless story than others!
In the garden of existence, there exists two beautiful roses: Music and love.
In the tranquillity of a garden, we detest the war and love the peace much more than any other places!
In war, bullets; in love, deceptions kill us.
Remember the unremembered; love the unloved; salute the unsaluted; hear the unheard; do the things which have not been done!
Suspicion is the greatest enemy of love whether it is true or not.