The cleverest amongst you is he who is the loyal apostle of life, the true disciple of existence, the devout follower of love.
The Earth loves us through its gravity and this love is ideal: It neither sticks to us nor let us to fly to the unknown darkness!
The fishhook catches the fish; the truth catches the lie; the death catches the life; the love catches the hate!
There is an eternal love between the water drop and the leaf. When you look at them, you can see that they both shine out of happiness.
There is no gravity in the Planet of Love; everything floats in the air.
To die for one's country? To die for love? To die for an ideology? But I say unto you that stay away from the death, stay alive!
Unless man anchors the real love, man will always drift in the middle of nowhere!
Walls are made of fear; bridges are made of love!
We learn more when we hate than when we love, because hate is eternally awake, but love is everlastingly asleep.
We must love animals in such a powerful way that we should reject to eat them!
We were once fish! We spent millions of years under the water in silence! That's why now we love talking continuously!
What love can achieve, nothing else can achieve!
Wherever there is love, there the season transforms into spring!
While sleeping in a hammock, with the touch of a warm wind we remember why we are in love with the life!
Winter is the reason for the spring; he who loves the spring must also love its reason!
You can see love in war and you can also see war in love!
Mountains represent the power of nature; plains, the love of nature!
No writer can be the 'Master of the Words' without loving them! Loving is the way for Mastering! No Love, no Master!
Real love and Sun have something in common; they are so bright that they don't have shadows, they are free of darkness...
Love is exaggerated affection; affection is unexaggerated love! Always be sober in everything!
Love is the rehearsal of Paradise.
Love with freedom is superior to both the freedom without love and the love without freedom!