
Mike Pesca Quotes

The lie is, even if you do work out, you'll never look like Madonna. That's the lie.

"Madonna, Santogold Make Dance Records". Interview with Rachel Martin, April 29, 2008.

Turkey's great if you're one of those people who can't sleep on planes because when the tryptophan kicks in, it's no problem.

"Panel Round One". "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!" with Mike Pesca, January 16, 2016.

The only single guy driving a minivan is a guy whose mother bought the van 16 years ago...

"Panel Round Two". "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" with Mike Pesca, January 16, 2016.

Friday means popcorn and multiplexes, speaking of movies, and it is the multi that is the problem. So many movie screens. The struggle of what to put on them.

"Tina Fey Goes Big in 'Baby Mama'". "The Bryant Park Project" with Rachel Martin, April 25, 2008.

I’m the one who requires a nice scratch behind my ears, and then I’ll tap my toe, and that’ll be fine.

"'If You've Got a Good Solution, I'm Going to Steal It for a Future Answer'" by Mike Pesca and Emily Yoffe, July 29, 2015.