
Milton Friedman Quotes - Page 3

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.

Milton Friedman, William Richard Allen (1983). “Bright promises, dismal performance: an economist's protest”, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc.

If you cannot state a proposition clearly and unambiguously, you do not understand it.

Milton Friedman, Rose D. Friedman (1999). “Two Lucky People: Memoirs”, p.75, University of Chicago Press

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

1973 Lecture. The phrase is thought to have been coined anonymously, perhaps referring to the 19c US tradition of supplying food in bars to patrons buying drinks.

The problem in this world is to avoid concentration of power - we must have a dispersion of power.

Milton Friedman - Big Business, Big Government, September 14, 2012.