Paul Pearsall Quotes
True joy results when we become aware of our connectedness to everything.
Paul Pearsall (1988). “Super joy: in love with living”, Doubleday Books
Paul Pearsall (2009). “Last Self-Help Book You'll Ever Need: Repress Your Anger, Think Negatively, be a Good Blamer and Throttle Your Inner Child”, p.56, Basic Books
Sharing laughter is a way of casting delight to the wind so it blows everywhere and to everyone.
Paul Pearsall (1996). “The Pleasure Prescription: To Love, to Work, to Play-- Life in the Balance”, p.177, Hunter House
Paul Pearsall (1997). “Write Your Own Pleasure Prescription: 60 Ways to Create Balance & Joy in Your Life”, p.107, Hunter House
Paul Pearsall (2007). “AWE: The Delights and Dangers of Our Eleventh Emotion”, p.27, Health Communications, Inc.
Paul Pearsall (1988). “Super joy: in love with living”, Doubleday Books
Paul Pearsall (1996). “The Pleasure Prescription: To Love, to Work, to Play-- Life in the Balance”, p.54, Hunter House
Addiction is not a fact of life but a description about how we are choosing to live.
Paul Pearsall (2009). “Last Self-Help Book You'll Ever Need: Repress Your Anger, Think Negatively, be a Good Blamer and Throttle Your Inner Child”, p.45, Basic Books