
Peter Sarsgaard Quotes

All Quotes Acting

I like to work as an actor. Not just for money, but because I really enjoy acting.

"It's more about the work than the money for Experimenter star Peter Sarsgaard". Interview with Pete Croatto, October 15, 2015.

I see how people boss other actors around to try to get a scene favorable to them. I absolutely just never engage in doing that. If someone's going to do it to me, I just let them have it.

"It's more about the work than the money for Experimenter star Peter Sarsgaard". Interview with Pete Croatto, October 15, 2015.

Depending on what stage I'm at in my career, I either work or don't work because I've been offered one thing.

"It's more about the work than the money for Experimenter star Peter Sarsgaard". Interview with Pete Croatto, October 15, 2015.

I don't spend a lot of time judging anyone I play. Even if their function in the script is to be the villain, I concentrate on what their perspective of the events is. Not even to justify them.

"It's more about the work than the money for Experimenter star Peter Sarsgaard". Interview with Pete Croatto, October 15, 2015.