
Reynolds Price Quotes

What I still ask for daily-for life as long as I have work to do, and work as long as I have life.

Reynolds Price (1994). “A Whole New Life”, p.76, Simon and Schuster

The sound of story is the dominant sound of our lives.

Reynolds Price (2013). “Midstream: An Unfinished Memoir”, p.59, Simon and Schuster

Stand up at sunrise and meet what they send you.

Reynolds Price (1987). “Kate Vaiden”

Life is short and often stingy; feast the heart with what it craves, short of cruelty, and let the world wonder.

Reynolds Price (1998). “Clear Pictures: First Loves First Guides”, p.100, Simon and Schuster

I've met little meanness, wherever I went.

Reynolds Price (1991). “Foreseeable Future”, p.16, Simon and Schuster