
Rick Perry Quotes - Page 7

Guns require a finger to pull the trigger.

Guns require a finger to pull the trigger.

"Obama urges new restrictions on assault weapons, magazines as part of gun control plan", January 16, 2013.

As long as it's not me, I'll be cool.

"Veep sheet: Candidates in Colorado".

I didn't say I was running, did I?

"Hardball with Chris Matthews", May 27, 2011.

Just because you have a group of scientists who stood up and said here is the fact. Galileo got outvoted for a spell.

"Is Rick Perry a 21st-century Galileo?" by Martin Robbins, September 8, 2011.

You don't want to ruin a kid's life for having a joint.

"Rick Perry, Jimmy Kimmel Talk Marijuana Decriminalization, 2016" By Ashley Alman, March 12, 2014.

From time to time there are going to be things that occur that are acts of God that cannot be prevented.

"Perry: Oil spill may be 'act of God'". Rick Perry's speech at the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, May 3, 2010.