We're all travelers in this world. From the sweet grass to the packing house. Birth 'til death. We travel between the eternities.
Not every successful man is a good father. But every good father is a successful man.
What people don't understand about Sarah Palin is that she is a rancher's wife. From Alberta down to Texas I've known women like that: good common sense, bright and vilified by city people.
The one you fight with the most is always the one who’s most like you.
Never use money to measure wealth, son.
We either accept weaknesses in good people or we have to tear pages out of the Bible.
If you don't daydream and kind of plan things out in your imagination, you never get there. So you have to start someplace.
If you piss your pants, you can only stay warm for so long.
Smell that? You smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
When I knew nothing, I thought I could do anything.
There's no right or wrong just truthful or untruthful.
I take a vitamin every day; it's called a steak.
The idea is that one's temperament improves with age; that you learn to deal better with people and become more benevolent and loving. That's not necessarily true. I try to stay loose but sometimes the best thing to do is get yourself away and take a good nap.
I've always remembered something Sanford Meisner, my acting teacher, told us. When you create a character, it's like making a chair, except instead of making someting out of wood, you make it out of yourself. That's the actor's craft - using yourself to create a character.
It's no big thing, but you make big things out of little things sometimes.
I was fortunate in the last century to be in the two biggest hits film-wise, "Godfather I" and "Godfather II," and "Lonesome Dove".
Everybody likes to win.
Listening to critics is like letting Muhammad Ali decide which astronaut goes to the moon.
You know, Hollywood sometimes tends to patronize the interior of the United States. As Horton Foote used to say, the great Texas playwright, that a lot of people from New York don't know what goes on beyond the South Jersey Shore.
When you dance tango fast, you have to think slow.
The tango is a very interior dance. It's not an exterior - it's not flashy and all over the floor. It's a very interior dance when you see the old guys dance in the clubs. I learned everything from the old guys in the clubs.
I can always grow a little bit, and try to do something different. So I'm always looking for what's out there - the potential.
To this day, I still think Lonesome Dove is my best part.
I love the smell of juice boxes in the morning.
There's a lot of ignorance in our business... Everybody's an authority. To have your own vision is rewarding.