
Ronald Biggs Quotes

It has been rumoured that I was the brains of the robbery, but that was totally incorrect. I've been described as the tea boy, which is also incorrect.

"Ronnie Biggs's best quotes while on the run" by the Press Association, December 18, 2013.

I am no longer a criminal. I gave up that practice years ago.

"Ronnie Biggs's best quotes while on the run" by the Press Association, December 18, 2013.

I won a scholarship with the Brixton School of Building. I screwed around, not putting in a proper attendance.

"Ronnie Biggs's best quotes while on the run" by the Press Association, December 18, 2013.

I don't have any intentions to return to England. I would go back if I could return as a free person. I don't want to return to prison.

"Ronnie Biggs's best quotes while on the run" by the Press Association, December 18, 2013.