[Steven] Lerner's strategy is, "How do we bring down the stock market? How do we bring down their bonuses? How do we interfere with their ability to be rich?" This is what his objective is, and he believes that Wall Street's wealth has been stolen.
This is a guy [Steven Lerner] who believes, for example, that Reaganomics or trickle-down economics means, "The rich got rich by stealing from the poor," or stealing from the middle class and making them poor via debt. He has worked with unions in Europe.
Obama has wreaked a lot of damage on America already, and there will be more. There's gonna be more to come.
Just like self-interest is not selfishness, well, confidence is not a negative. Confidence is not an off-putting thing. It's, in fact, necessary for all good leaders.
Trump is not haphazard. Trump has the ability to improvise at a rally or go off the prompter at some point.
Donald Trump represents not the lobbyists, not the elected officials, not the establishment types. These are people that have nothing to do with government; they don't work there; they have much taken from them by government. They get very, very little of it back. And that is, I think, a good point in understanding Trump's popularity and who it is that's supporting him.
America hasn't been leading anything. We have been blamed the last eight years [2008-2016]. The United States has been nothing special about us. American exceptionalism was mocked and laughed at.
The American experiment, the United States in the past eight years [2008-2016] was not considered worthy of leading, because we had committed too many transgressions. We didn't have the moral authority to lead anybody because we had too many injustices in our past and too many discriminations and too many thises and thats and so forth. We were not worthy of leading, and we had been leading for too long in all the wrong directions. It was really, I think, despicable.
The idea that any president represents the world, by definition the United States must be diminished for that to happen.
Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have literally sold everything they have to sell. They have sold their honesty. They've sold their integrity. They've sold America down the river. They have sold everything in order to amass critical personal wealth.
The Clintons have sold everything about America and its policy and its future for their own personal gain in terms of amassing incredible wealth.
Hillary Clinton is a dead fish when it comes to being entertaining and alive. Without a prompter and a written script, she's nothing.
In the founding days of the Constitution, the purpose of the media was to make sure that powerful government officials were held accountable. It really was. I mean, it was founders who hated the media like everybody else hates the media, but they understood the role they played. This media long ago when it comes to Hillary Clinton/Bill Clinton and the Democrat Party? No, no, no, no. They're the Democrat Party now. There is no media.
You can take a look at the enrollment at major institutions of higher learning. It's 65% female, 35% male. One of the reasons is, men don't want to go there anymore.But this is a manifestation... Remember our old buddy James Brown addressing men, said that it's time to shape up or ship out. He said we have got to stop this business of making fun of men who "throw like girls."
We've gotta dispense with calling guys who are effeminate or who throw like girls "sissies." You know why? Because that diminishes women, and that can lead to such things as you decking your woman in a hotel elevator in New Jersey with your fist.
We've got to stop this making fun of guys. I think part of it's to protect [Barack] Obama, because he's the one that's well known for that.
The Antarctic ice sheet has reached record levels in the midst of so-called climate change and global warming. It's the same thing at the North Pole. Arctic ice sheet levels are at record levels. The North Pole is supposed to have been melted by now, according to Algore.
It was not that long ago a bunch of researchers got on a boat and started chugging for the South Pole to find evidence of the melting glaciers and global warming, and they got stuck in the ice and it took three ice breakers and a helicopter to rescue them. Yet they still carry the day in the pop culture that global warming is happening.
We have been in the process of reprogramming men and the way they are raised for a long time.
We come back to Kate Fagan of ESPN who says we need to reprogram the way we're raising men. You notice we never, ever, nobody ever discusses the possibility that we might need to reprogram the way we raise women. Why? Because that's already perfect.
There isn't any problem with little girls. And there isn't any problem with young women or adult women. I mean, they are model citizens. It's the guys that create all of the problems in our culture. And so it's the guys that have to be reprogrammed. Not the women.
I've never run across anybody who suggested that women need to be reprogrammed. I don't think I've even come across anybody who wanted to teach a girl how to throw right. They just accept it is what it is.
[Men's] natural tendencies, natural proclivities, are bad. You gotta rein that in. You gotta dial that back. You need to really raise your conscience level and be aware of how others see you and dial it back, because it's just too predatory, brutish, what have you.
I have a story here, and it dovetails with this. You won't believe this. At Ohio State, the Ohio State University, you have to know the rules before you decide to kiss somebody. Both sides have to know the rules. Not kidding.
At Ohio State University, to avoid being guilty of 'sexual assault' or 'sexual violence,' you and your partner now apparently have to agree on the reason WHY you are making out or having sex. It's not enough to agree to DO it, you have to agree on WHY: there has to be agreement 'regarding the who, what, where, when, why, and how this sexual activity will take place.