I don't have to convince everybody in the room. I just need a critical mass of the people in the room.
People have accused me of only working with good companies. No I don't. I work with some very dysfunctional companies or unbelievably dysfunctional organizations. The people that bring me in know what they're doing won't work for the future. They know they want to change and they want to change for the right reasons. They believe what I believe and that's why they called me.
I never imagined I'd write a book.
When my books came out, they started selling but they started selling at a relatively consistent but low pace. And they started to pick up the pace.
I never wanted to be a public speaker.
Leadership is a choice to protect the person to the left of us, and protect the person to the right of us, and sometimes that may come at a cost. It may cost us our benefits, it may cost us our comfort, it may sometimes cost us our perks, whatever it is, credit.