Be true to thine own self.
Let us follow the truth whither so ever it leads.
The universe really is motion & nothing else.
Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued." "It is not living that matters, but living rightly. The unexamined life is not worth living.
A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house
The partisan when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions.
Who knows if to live is to be dead, and to be dead, to live? And we really, it may be, are dead; in fact I once heard sages say that we are now dead, and the body is our tomb.
Be as you wish to seem.
She soars on her own wings.
There is but one evil, ignorance.
The misuse of language induces evil in the soul.
To need nothing is divine, and the less a man needs the nearer does he approach to divinity.
If you can do only a little. Do what you can. What you cannot enforce, do not command.
If we pursue our habit of eating animals, and if our neighbour follows a similar path, will we need to go to war against our neighbour to secure greater pasturage, because ours will not be enough to sustain us, and our neighbour will have a similar need to wage war on us for the same reason.
The cure of many diseases remains unknown to the physicians of Hellos (Greece) because they do not study the whole person.
I have lived long enough to learn how much there is I can really do without.... He is nearest to God who needs the fewest things.
A man can no more make a safe use of wealth without reason than he can of a horse without a bridle.
Aren't you ashamed to be concerned so much about making all the money you can and advancing your reputation and prestige, while for truth and wisdom and the improvement of your souls you have no thought or car?
Are you not ashamed of heaping up the greatest amount of money and honor and reputation, and caring so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul?
There is no greater magnificence than to defeat oneself. That is the magnificence.
Envy is the ulcer of the soul.
It is better to be at odds with the whole world than, being one, to be at odds with myself.
Young people nowadays love luxury; they have bad manners and contempt for authority. They show disrespect for old people... contradict their parents, talk constantly in front of company, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers.
The greatest blessing granted to mankind come by way of madness, which is a divine gift.
The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live.