Dreamlining is so named because it applies timelines to what most would consider dreams.
The only rules and limits are those we set for ourselves
The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.
The first thing I would do for anyone who's trying to lose body fat, for instance, would be to remove foods from the house that he or she would consume during lapses of self-control.
People are fond of using the its not what you know, its who you know adage as an excuse for inaction, as if all successful people are born with powerful friends. Nonsense.
For all their bitching about what’s holding them back, most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams they’re being held from.
Learn to be difficult when it counts. In school as in life, having a reputation for being assertive will help you receive preferential treatment without having to beg or fight for it every time.
The biggest misconception about work is that you need to spend the majority of your time doing it.
The best results I have had in my life; the most enjoyable times, have all come from asking the simple question: 'What is the worst that could happen?'
Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.
Just because you are embarrassed to admit that you're still living the consequences of bad decisions made 5, 10, 20 years ago shouldn't stop you from making good decisions now. If you let pride stop you, you will hate life 5, 10, and 20 years from now for the same reasons.
If we define risk as 'the likelihood of an irreversible negative outcome,' inaction is the greatest risk of all.
I have plenty of money to do what I want to do, and I have the relationships.
Everyone is going to binge on a diet, for instance, so plan for it, schedule it, and contain the damage.
If someone's criticism is completely unfounded on data, then I don't want to hear it. It doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear.
Having a size 9 foot is fantastic because almost all of the shoe companies do their prototyping in size 9, so if you visit a place like Nike headquarters, you can try every sort of wacky, out-there model.
It is predicated on the assumption that you dislike what you are doing during the most physically capable years of your life. This is a nonstarter—nothing can justify that sacrifice.
Doing something unimportant well does not make it important.
Nothing can match the wonderment that comes from staring up into the star-filled canopy above and realizing that you are a part of that creation.
A goal without real consequences is wishful thinking. Good follow-through doesn't depend on the right intentions. It depends on the right incentives.
Compile your to-do list for tomorrow no later than this evening.
Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the cure-all. When people suggest you follow your "passion" or your "bliss," I propose that they are, in fact, referring to the same singular concept: excitement. This brings us full circle. The question you should be asking isn't, "What do I want?" or "What are my goals?" but "What would excite me?"
Just as modern man consumes both too many calories and calories of no nutritional value, information workers eat data both in excess and from the wrong sources.
What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. As I have heard said, a person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear. I got into this habit by attempting to contact celebrities and famous businesspeople for advice.