I enjoy getting dressed as a Barbie doll.
When I was having that alphabet soup, I never thought that it would pay off.
It's not the most intellectual job in the world, but I do have to know the letters.
I don't see why anyone should put me down for my job. I'm bright. I'm intelligent. I turn letters - so what? I also talk. I talk on the show! People know my name on the show.
I think people think of me as this elegant person because they always see me dressed up.
I never get bored, because there’s always different puzzles, I’m wearing different clothes, there’s different contestants, there’s different prizes.
I will say I remember the best thing in terms of publicity was being on the cover of Newsweek.
I need to be able to raise my hands up to turn the letters. That's probably the only limitation I have when it comes to gowns. I wear tight ones, I wear loose ones, I wear every color, and different fabrics.
I can do whatever I want, but I'm a French girl. It goes with everything.
There's five cameras, I don't know how many people in the audience... depending on where we're taping, there can be anywhere from 300 to 5,000 people, so the contestants are nervous
I do everything that everybody else does.
I just don't think America wants a female host. It's like men don't walk around in skirts in this country. Why change a good thing?
Any press is good press.
I'm really just a normal person.
I have a family and two cats; I get up with my kids early in the morning.
So, I understand when they make a mistake and everyone at home is throwing their shoe at the television set.
I'm a mom, a full-time mom when I'm not taping. I do the carpool thing, and bake the cookies, and do the homework.