Dictatorship Quotes
Noam Chomsky, Michel Foucault (2006). “The Chomsky-Foucault Debate: On Human Nature”, The New Press
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2016). “Incerto 4-Book Bundle: Fooled by Randomness The Black Swan The Bed of Procrustes Antifragile”, p.1719, Random House
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels (1977). “Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works”, International Pub
Gene Sharp (2010). “From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation”, p.18, Albert Einstein Institution
Under dictatorship, the people in prison are always superior to the people who put them there.
"20,000 Quips and Quotes". Book by Evan Esar, 1968.
Will Durant (2014). “The Complete Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage, Life of Greece, Caesar and Christ, Age of Faith, Renaissance, Age of Reason Begins, Age of Louis XIV, Age of Voltaire, Rousseau and Revolution, Age of Napoleon, Reformation”, p.1983, Simon and Schuster
George Orwell (2009). “Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative Essays”, p.116, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt