William Shakespeare Quotes - Page 85

And, if you love me, as I think you do, let's kiss and part, for we have much to do
William Shakespeare (1858). “Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems”, p.50
William Shakespeare (1873). “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”, p.74
William Shakespeare, James Boswell, Alexander Pope, Richard Farmer, Samuel Johnson (1821). “The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare”, p.59
William Shakespeare (1866). “A Treasury of Thought from Shakespeare: The Choice Sayings of His Principal Characters, Analytically and Alphabetically Arranged”, p.38
A book? O, rare one, Be not, as is our fangled world, a garment Nobler than that it covers.
William Shakespeare (1858). “Shakespeare's comedies, histories, tragedies, and poems”, p.358
I cannot but remember such things were that were most precious to me.
William Shakespeare (1843). “Macbeth”, p.59
'Macbeth' (1606) act 2, sc. 3, l. [83]
I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.
'Much Ado About Nothing' (1598-9) act 4, sc. 2, l. [283]
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand! Oh, oh, oh!
'Macbeth' (1606) act 5, sc. 1, l. [55]
I wish you well and so I take my leave, I Pray you know me when we meet again.
William Shakespeare (1833). “The plays and poems of William Shakspeare”, p.184
But here's the joy: my friend and I are one, Sweet flattery!
William Shakespeare (1864). “The Works of William Shakespeare”, p.1036
'Romeo And Juliet' (1595) act 5, sc. 3, l. 102
I heard a bird so sing, Whose music, to my thinking, pleased the king.
William Shakespeare, Barry Cornwall (1857). “King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV, part 1. King Henry IV, part 2. Henry V. King Henry VI, part 1. King Henry VI, part 2. King Henry VI, part 3. King Richard III. King Henry VIII. Titus Andronicus. Pericles. Glossary”, p.181
Is it possible he should know what he is, and be that he is?
William Shakespeare, Joseph Dennie, Isaac Reed, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens (1805). “As you like it. All's well that ends well”, p.257
William Shakespeare (1767). “The works of Shakespeare, with corrections and illustr. from various commentators”, p.125
William Shakespeare (1867). “The Works of William Shakespeare”, p.380
'Hamlet' (1601) act 3, sc. 1, l. 56
"The Wisdom and Genius of Shakespeare".
William Shakespeare, George Steevens, Edmond Malone, Alexander Chalmers, Alexander Pope (1826). “Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew. Winter's tale”, p.87
William Shakespeare, George Steevens, Edmond Malone (1823). “The plays of William Shakspeare”, p.133
'Cymbeline' (1609-10) act 4, sc. 2, l. 246