Alarms Quotes
"Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey/ The Clean Room". Documentary, 2014.
Mario Vargas Llosa (2011). “Making Waves: Essays”, p.52, Macmillan
Nellie L. McClung (1915). “In Times Like These”, p.10, University of Toronto Press
Tom Robbins (2003). “Still Life with Woodpecker”, p.5, Bantam
Michel Foucault (1980). “Language, Counter-memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews”, p.5, Cornell University Press
Song: All My Stars Aligned, Album: Marry Me, 2007
Criss Jami (2015). “Killosophy”, p.111, Criss Jami
Jane Austen (2005). “Jane Austen: 8 Books in 1”, p.169, Shoes & Ships & Sealing Wax